Life During Lockdown

I’ve been maintaining a lock down blog since the start of April. Reading through it I note with interest that there is very little there that I wouldn’t want on the public internet, and that a slightly redacted version might serve as a decent record of these difficult times. I could just dump these into my regular blog, but as with my cycling blog and my micro-KB I thought it was worth keeping it separate (because containers are still important to me). I think this might be the one that aggregates to Twitter (for now) though, as I’m hardly prolific enough anywhere else to make copying and pasting links into Buffer a particularly time consuming task. is where it lives. It’s live now, and should be updated most days until we reach whatever the new normal looks like. I will still write here about music and technology, but probably at my usually sporadic rate.

Ubuntu Update Scripts 2020

I’ve maintained my own scripts for updating software on a few Linux distributions for a while. This weekend I decided it was time to consolodate all my installation and update scripts in one place, and amend them to reflect the new ways I work with Linux (both in using i3 as a window manager and relying more on WSL and Multipass).

What follows is largely for my benefit, but I thought it may be of interest to others.


  sudo mv /usr/local/bin/
  sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

sudo mv /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/

This one also works with Multipass (which will probably be the subject of a blog post soon).