How to find a Windows product key fom Linux
The command is:
Making a multi-boot USB with Ventoy
I made a Ventoy USB last night (Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian). It’s a really simple process that I’ll definitely be exploring further (and maybe blogging about). Redid again today with a bigger USB and 10 distros plus a Windows 10 installer. Imagine carrying 50 distros on one USB. The future is here!
Transcribing user interviews with Amazon Transcribe
This looks like something I might want to do at some point. Also it has the commands for creating MP3s from video files, which I always forget: ffmpeg -i infile.mp4 outfile.mp3
Transparent terminals in i3 window manager
Add exec xcompmgr -c -f -nto your i3 config file. Also install xcompmgr if you don’t already have it.
Using Barrier to control multiple computers
Looks like Synergy has been forked and the new version (Barrier) is available for most platforms. I’ve tried this out for about half an hour and it seems to work really well. This might be the solution to some of the cable switching I have to do when I’m working from home.
i3 screen locking
This is what I add to my i3 config file to sort out screen locking: bindsym mod4+l exec “i3lock -t -i /path_to_file.png” exec –no-startup-id xautolock -locker “i3lock -i -t /path_to_file.png”
i3wm: Jump Start (1/3)
i3wm: Jump Start (1/3) Welcome to this three-part series on the i3 Window Manager. i3 is a sophisticated tiling window manager for Linux. In this tutorial, you’ll learn what i3 is; how to install it; and of course, how to use it. In the second video, you’ll learn how to configure it, too! – Subscribe … Read more
Multi-cursor in Atom on Linux
Native multi-cursor support for Atom doesn’t work out of the box on Linux. This is what I add to enable it.
I like this a lot and it’s currently occupying a terminal window in all of my Linux machines.