Eurovision madness

So yes, it’s the yearly evening to sit in front of the TV and encounter more dreadful music than I do in the rest of the year put together. I do like the Eurovison song contest though, although not for the reasons I like other music (any other music). It’s cheesy, it’s dreadful, but it also makes me laugh and makes me glad that for the rest of the year I get to listen to music that actually says something to me.

I may also be abusing twitter a lot tonight. Check out #eurovision for live commentary.

Corporate Records

This week, I’ve been exploring Corporate Records, which offers music on a “pay what you want” model that I quite like.

Things I’ve downloaded so far include:

All of these are great in different ways, and are well worth a listen. I’ve also tracked down a few bizarre alternate arrangements of Indelicates songs, and a very strange band called Anal Beard who are amusing if nothing else.