Updating snaps

One thing I like about snaps is that they update themselves now and again without me having to worry about them. There are some I do want to be bang up to date though (multipass is one), so I’ve added this command to the update script on all my Ubuntu machines: sudo snap refresh

Multipass deployment

I’ve started looking at scripting Multipass deployments. Adding this to my installation script gets me one container, and this can be adapted for more. multipass launch focal –name ubuntu-ltsmultipass exec ubuntu-lts — wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/p5jjsbvuuskeotl/deploy_ubuntu_wsl.shmultipass exec ubuntu-lts — sudo mv deploy_ubuntu_wsl.sh /usr/local/bin/multipass exec ubuntu-lts — sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/deploy_ubuntu_wsl.shmultipass exec ubuntu-lts — deploy_ubuntu_wsl.shmultipass stop ubuntu-lts I … Read more

Keyboard shortcuts for the i3 window manager

When you log in for the first time you’ll be asked to choose a modifier key (I chose ALT). The keyboard shortcuts below use $mod to refer to that modifier. Open a terminal window – $mod + Enter Open a different application – $mod + d then type the application name (eg firefox) Open (or … Read more


Most things should be at this link: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-on-wsl-2-is-generally-available The new Windows Terminal is also in the Microsoft store. It’s probably the best way to experience WSL now.

Azure portal

For downloading Visio and Project to new Windows PCs (and other things of course). https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Education/EducationMenuBlade/overview


I think i3 is now my lightweight window manager of choice. It’s really fast on very old or low powered machines, and I’d really like to try it on something more powerful. There is a learning curve though, but the documentation is great: https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html Commands that I use deserve a blog post, but basically it’s … Read more

Dropbox command-line interface

Note: use dropbox help to view usage for a specific command. autostart automatically start Dropbox at loginexclude ignores/excludes a directory from syncingfilestatus get current sync status of one or more fileshelp provide helplansync enables or disables LAN syncls list directory contents with current sync statusproxy set proxy settings for Dropboxpuburl get public url of a … Read more


I like Chromebooks, but I want one with a lot more power. CloudReady is a rebuild of Chromium OS that will run on pretty much anything. https://www.neverware.com/freedownload I’ve tried it on a 10 year old Macbook Pro and my X230 so far. Both worked well.