Making a multi-boot USB with Ventoy

I made a Ventoy USB last night (Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian). It’s a really simple process that I’ll definitely be exploring further (and maybe blogging about). Redid again today with a bigger USB and 10 distros plus a Windows 10 installer. Imagine carrying 50 distros on one USB. The future is here!


Most things should be at this link: The new Windows Terminal is also in the Microsoft store. It’s probably the best way to experience WSL now.

Azure portal

For downloading Visio and Project to new Windows PCs (and other things of course).

Querying Active Directory with Powershell

View members in a group: Get-ADGroupMember -identity groupname | sort name | select-object -expand Name Same as above, but does a recursive search through all sub-groups: Get-ADGroupMember -identity groupname -Recursive | sort name | select-object -expand Name View groups a single person is in: Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | select name,distinguishedName | sort distinguishedName