Making a multi-boot USB with Ventoy

I made a Ventoy USB last night (Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian). It’s a really simple process that I’ll definitely be exploring further (and maybe blogging about). Redid again today with a bigger USB and 10 distros plus a Windows 10 installer. Imagine carrying 50 distros on one USB. The future is here!

i3 screen locking

This is what I add to my i3 config file to sort out screen locking: bindsym mod4+l exec “i3lock -t -i /path_to_file.png” exec –no-startup-id xautolock -locker “i3lock -i -t /path_to_file.png”


I like this a lot and it’s currently occupying a terminal window in all of my Linux machines.

Updating snaps

One thing I like about snaps is that they update themselves now and again without me having to worry about them. There are some I do want to be bang up to date though (multipass is one), so I’ve added this command to the update script on all my Ubuntu machines: sudo snap refresh