Making a multi-boot USB with Ventoy

I made a Ventoy USB last night (Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian). It’s a really simple process that I’ll definitely be exploring further (and maybe blogging about). Redid again today with a bigger USB and 10 distros plus a Windows 10 installer. Imagine carrying 50 distros on one USB. The future is here!

Keyboard shortcuts for the i3 window manager

When you log in for the first time you’ll be asked to choose a modifier key (I chose ALT). The keyboard shortcuts below use $mod to refer to that modifier. Open a terminal window – $mod + Enter Open a different application – $mod + d then type the application name (eg firefox) Open (or … Read more


I think i3 is now my lightweight window manager of choice. It’s really fast on very old or low powered machines, and I’d really like to try it on something more powerful. There is a learning curve though, but the documentation is great: Commands that I use deserve a blog post, but basically it’s … Read more

Resetting Rhythmbox

Close Rhythmbox and delete the Rhythmbox database in ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml. If you also want Rhythmbox to forget your library paths (the directories where it automatically looks for music), then you need to delete them from dconf: gsettings set org.gnome.rhythmbox.rhythmdb locations “[‘file:///dev/null’]” You can then set new paths in the Rhythmbox GUI, under Edit -> Preferences -> … Read more